Pick a Card or Simple Motivation
I like my students to be self motivated but sometimes we all need a little push in order to pull out our best work. Try a deck of cards. An old deck of cards, preferably (or a cheap deck). Here's how it works: Split the deck of cards in half based on color - half red, half black. Now have your students perform the dance or combination they're currently working on. While they're dancing you walk around watching their feet, face, arms, etc. If you notice good footwork from a student, hand the student a black card (yes, while they're tapping - they are talented and will be able to dance just fine with it in their hand, though the card will get a bit mangled). If you notice anything else done really well such as sharpness of movement, great expression, or nice body lines, give them a red card. That's it! You'll be amazed how hard the kids will work for a simple playing card. Also there is no punishment or taking cards away. Mo...